Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ergonomics (Product description and Idea Trigger)

i) Describe the product. (Appearance, Color, Function, etc)
It is a curved dorstopper which is red in colourred in colour.
ii) What are the design considerations when designing this product?
It is nice looking and can serve its purpose.
iii) Would an elderly faced difficulty using this product? If yes, what are the difficulties that the elderly would face?
They would have to bend down to put it to the door.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ergonomics II

1. What is Ergonomics?
It is the study of people's efficiency in their working environment.
2. What are the 5 aspects of Ergonomics?
It is safety, comfort, ease of use, productivity and asthetics.

3. For each aspects of Ergonomics, explain with an example of a product that is designed for the elderly, how the product meet that particular aspect of Ergonomics.
Safety: This saftey knife reduces the exposed surface area of the sharp blade but still enables you to efficeiently cut things. Using this, elderly or other people will nor accidentally cut themselves if it is left on th table/floor/chair.
Safety knife

Comfort:The chair is comfortable as most of the parts is adjustable so you can adjust it to your own preferences. It also has a lumbar backrest to fit the persons spine.

Ease of use: This elderly friendly phone is good as it it simple and very easy to use and has big buttons for short-sighted/long-sighted elderly to see the button. It also has basic functions like alarm, caller ID, different wallpapers etc.
Elderly-friendly phone

It helps to relieve stress and at the same time, excercises the hand muscles and keeps the hand active.
Stress ball

Its buttons are bigger and the numbers are big and clear so elderly can easily see the buttons.
Elevator buttons

Friday, June 4, 2010

Holiday Work-Part 1:Understanding the elderly challenge

* Explain in your own words, the FOUR key recommendations of the report.
Recommendation 1.Provide the elderly cheaper and more housing options.
Recommendation 2.Make HDB flats and buses more easily accessible.
Recommendation 3.Make health-care cheaper.
Recommendation 4.Promote family bonds through activities.

* State ONE way that the CAI report is recommending to make our public housing more elderly-friendly
1.Vary the length of land leases. Shorter land leases will facilitate the development of retirement housing by the private sector. These offer dedicated lifestyle facilities to meet the needs of seniors who have greater expectations for higher quality housing. Varying housing size and types will give the elderly more choices.

* State TWO ways on how we can ensure that the quality of elderly care here in Singapore is affordable
1.Top up Medisave accounts of less well-off Singaporeans when there are budget surpluses that the Government can share with the people. This will help defray health-care costs as Singaporeans depend on Medisave to meet health-care needs in their old age.
2.Follow-up by a dedicated family physician within close proximity to the client will ensure that seniors’ multiple needs will be comprehensively and holistically taken care of.

* After reading the CAI report, what do you are the THREE things that you can do, as an SST student, to help overcome these elderly challenges.
1.We can create family bonds.
2.Give way to the elderly.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

LEAP Week - NEWater Visit Reflection

1. What are the 3 key takeaways from today’s visit?
NEWater is mineral/nutrient free.
There are four national taps.
One of our agreements with Malaysia is expiring in 2011.

2. Name 2 concepts that you have learnt today during the visit.
I learnt about making NEWater.
I learnt how ultra-filtration works.

3. What is the 1 interesting thing that you have learnt today?
Quartz lowers the amount of heat.

4. What are the things that you can do to help with water conservation in Singapore?
Do not waste water.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

9th March reflection

1. 1)I learnt that we should not do the presentation in the last minute.
2)We should think through our ideas carefully and be prepared to answer irrelevant questions.
2. 1)I learnt that our designs need to be very relevant in order to prevent irrelevant questions.
2)We should make sure our ideas are accepted by others.
3.I learnt that soe ideas may fail.

Friday, February 12, 2010


A student walking to class.

Two students taking photos of each other.

A student taking a picture of a 'handless' person.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


1.Different types of photography
There is night photography, plant photography, food photography...
The camera, different types of lenses and flash.
Small aperture has the whole picture in focus but large aperture makes the subject stand out as the background is out of focus.
It keeps everything in focus.
5.Shutter speed
The shorter the time that the shutter is open the sharper the photo will be.
6.ISO speed
Higher ISO reduces camera shake and lower ISO gets the lowest noise.
The higher the meter setting, the darker it is.
8.White balance
White balance removes unrealistic color casts of unnatural light.
The way in which the different parts that make up a photograph or picture are arranged.
There are many different techniques for different types of photography.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Difference between Perspective, Isometric, Oblique and Orthographic Drawing
Linear Perspective is a geometric method of representing on paper the way that objects appear to get smaller and closer together, the further away they are.
Isometric Drawing is a form of three-dimensional projection in which all of the principal planes are drawn parallel to corresponding established axes and at true dimensions; horizontals usually are drawn at 30° from the normal horizontal axes; verticals remain parallel to the normal vertical axis.
Oblique drawings are designed to show a three dimensional view of an object. The width of the object will still be drawn as a horizontal line, but the depth can be drawn back at any angle.
In simple terms, orthographic drawings are views (front, side, top, and so on) of an object. An orthographic view is only one side.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Definition of theme - Environment

New Oxford American Dictionary
1) the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
•the setting or conditions in which a particular activity is carried on : a good learning environment.
•Computing the overall structure within which a user, computer, or program operates : a desktop development environment.
2) the natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, esp. as affected by human activity.
1. The circumstances or conditions that surround one; surroundings.
2. The totality of circumstances surrounding an organism or group of organisms, especially:
a. The combination of external physical conditions that affect and influence the growth, development, and survival of organisms: "We shall never understand the natural environment until we see it as a living organism" (Paul Brooks).
b. The complex of social and cultural conditions affecting the nature of an individual or community.

The environment is a place where an organism lives in and all the things in it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

ADMT Lesson 1: Personal Reflection

ADMT is basically redesigning things so it becomes better and nicer. We should have an attitude that is ready to learn.